Tuesday, May 24, 2022

🔗📝 collection of notes on shake and bake🏃👨‍🍳🥧


4👑☸☯🦍shake and bake 🏃👨‍🍳🥧


 🔗overview of optimal health

🔗shake and bake: why and how

shake and bake: 🔗"it's better than jogging": video samples galore

shake and bake is really helpful for: 🔗jhana constipation

shake and bake: why it's so amazing? 🔗 resonant frequency

🔗questions, answers, feedback

🔗👣 TCM soak feet in hot water daily for excellent health benefits: contains story of monks and nuns with nerve damage who could really use shake and bake.

expert recommends at least 30min a day of cardio, 🔗as part of defense against sars-covid

🔗case study of 500 people over 2 years getting good results doing exercise similar to shake and bake

🔗🏃👨‍🍳🦎🐍 shake and bake lizard snake variation, for sleeping bag yoga to replace updog and cobra

shake and bake journal from friend BP

Friday, May 20, 2022

highly recommended: 20 min. video teaching relaxed body arm swinging standing in place exercises


20 min. video teaching relaxed body arm swinging standing in place exercises


My favorite of the exercises is the one starting at 11m:30sec

It's basically doing full 360 arm swings with both arms simultaneously using a clever angle.

If you try an orthogonal angle, standing straight, both arms swinging perpendicular in front of you,

you wouldn't be able to swing full circles with both arms simultaneously, only one arm.

But with a waist turn and a slightly offset angle, as video shows, you can swing both arms.

Qigor enhancement to all the arm swing exercises

I try to use no arm and upper body initiated movement at all to do the moves. I use the momentum of my legs and waist motion to drive my arms and upper body movement.

I bend and squat deeper into the moves than they do in the video to generate more force.

You can see in the video they don't use leg and knee bending force to propel the arms. Maybe the waist turns generate most of it for them, but unless their shoulders  rotations are frictionless, they're probably using some arm muscle action to get the arms back to the peak height.