Monday, April 1, 2019

FIB: simple key to health

75 trillion cells in body
each a micro version of you.
what do you need?
food and garbage disposal.
don't get food and nutrients, you die.
don't get your garbage disposed in time, foul disease, poisoning from toxity result.

10 guests for each cell.
3 are beneficial, 7 are parasites or harmful.
one example, there are vitamins manufactured by healthy beneficial bacterial cells that are "not you". You can't survive without those friends. Your friends need dietary fibre and other nutrients, so what you consume is not just for "you" (75 trilliion cells), but also the friendly helper bacteria.

eating healthy, exercising, but pumping blood, oxygen, qi, into all cells, esnures proper delivery of food and garbage collection, and emergency services like your immune system sending white blood cells.

This is why exercise is so important. Blood circulated by the heart only reaches less than 50% of your cells. The rest comes from muscular contraction via lymph fluid. So deep breathing, sustained for sufficiently long periods, is what delivers nutrients and collects garbage from 100% of the cells in your body.

people who don't exercise, then the extremities and cells not getting regular garbage collection and food, become poisoned and starved.

you don't just eat food once a week right? You shouldn't just exercise once a week either.

so without knowing all the infinite knowledge and intricacies of health from medical science, chinese medicine, ayurveda, all you need to know is if you eat right and exercise right, you'll deliver food and collect garbage to all the cells and ensure the immune system can fix any problems that arise on their own. 

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