Wednesday, January 16, 2019

standing meditation timer for left and right symmetry

repeat alarm timer for standing qigong left and right symmetry:

I'll write more another time, but rather than holding a completely static posture such as "tree hugger" or "wuji" for 20min, 30min, 60min, or 120min, as some taiji and qigong schools typically teach, I've found for meditators who sit a lot, and have tight hips and leg energetic blockages, it's much better to alternate through various standing postures.

Especially those that switch between left and right leg emphasis, so you can completely empty out one side and work on dissolving tension there. As opposed to a double weight wuji or tree hugger pose, where if you have preexisting tightness and blockages, it's not going to dissolve the blockage as easily. 

And more importantly, doing left/right alternations trains you to become sensitive to how you were tense in the first place and allowed those blockages and tight areas over the years.

See the "4. buddha takes a stand" section from eight pieces of gorilla for some ideas of what standing postures to work with. 

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